Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pool Time!

What to do on this super hot summer day...jump in your neighbor's pool...that's what ya do!  Chris and the boys took a little swim this afternoon to catch a break from the heat.  It's crazy hot here!  I'm not complaining...believe me, I love this way better than snow, but it's hot...really, really hot.  I've had sweat running down my back more than one time today...lovely visual, right?!  Anywho, here's some pics of the fun...

Kenny, Chris, Vann and Chayce (on the whale)
Vann petting Molly before jumping back in the water
Vann jumping in...he loves it!
Chayce swimming with Dad
Chaycers jumping to Chris
Vann being silly! 
Trying to get on the whale

How are you staying cool in this crazy heat??  


  1. Do you find that the more you blog the more you take photo's or did you take this many photo's before blogland?

    I so wish we had a pool!


  2. Hey Jess! I've always taken lots of pictures...mostly since the boys were born. I will say though that I take more on a daily basis now because I'm blogging and also because I started a photo album this year called Project Life.

    I know, we love that our neighbors have a pool. If/when we move to Texas, a pool is a must have!

    Are you home...I'm calling you right now!

  3. Great photos...they look like they are having fun. My kids would love a pool, but up here in Calgary, the weather isn't hot enough for very long :(


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