Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness

I saw a great idea for an advent calendar while perusing the web last month.  I would totally give a shout out to the blog/place I saw it, but I can't remember or find it again...sorry!  It's a pretty simple idea, every day you do a random act of kindness.  

We talk about being kind to each other all the time.  I'm pretty sure I remind the boys to be kind or praise them for being kind every single day...mostly remind :)  And I thought how great to get them thinking of different ways to reach out to others and show kindness.  I really am in love with this idea!

Here's what we've done so far...
Day 1 - The boys baked cookies and we delivered them to our friend who just had a baby along with a few lil' outfits.  What was great is that they weren't home so, we left it on their doorstep so, they had a fun surprise when they got home :)

Day 2 - The boys each wrote a letter to a special someone, drew them a picture and popped it in the mail.  (We will likely be doing a lot of this type of thing so watch your mailboxes :) )

Day 3 - Vann wrote a little note to our mailman, we attached it along with some ribbon and a bow to a box of candy and he put it in the mailbox for him.  Then the boys watched out the window when they heard him coming.  They saw him read the note, then he waved at the boys and they waved was cute!  Afterwards Vann said, 'I like making people smile!'  My heart did a few flip flops :)  

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