Sunday, September 4, 2011

Movie Night

We had movie night for the kiddos on Saturday.  Chayce and I went to Blockbuster to pick out a movie and we came home with the last copy of Rio.  So, after dinner all the kids grabbed their blankets and found a comfy spot on the couch.  My neighbor has a huge popcorn machine...the cart, about 15 minutes into the movie, we popped them some popcorn.  The best part was watching them watch the movie.  If a funny part came on, they would all laugh hysterically!  So cute!  I think Nicole and I could have listened to their giggles all night!  Overall, movie night was a big hit.  I think we'll be planning another one soon!

Kenny, Chayce, Vann, Linda and Viv

I made some of our favorite cinnamon bread yesterday too.  Seriously, you have to try's so good!  The kids love it!

Vann and I did some shopping today.  One of our stops was Michaels.  I don't go there often, but I do love that store!  I could look around for hours finding things I 'need' and spending a small fortune doing so.  We did pretty good.  I got a bunch of things I need for the Super Mario party.  I'm making a big cupcake stand and decorating it in Mario colors.  So, I got the goods for that.  I also picked up some colored bags for the kids' goody bags.  I'm feeling like the party planning is off to a good start.

We also went to Toysrus and scoped out presents for Chayce since his birthday is in 2 weeks.  I can't believe my baby is going to be 3!!  We did find a couple of things we wanted to get for him...all Power Rangers of course.  But I've been researching online for awhile now and I know everything we picked out is cheaper on Amazon.  So, when we got back home we hopped on the computer and bought Chayce some fun presents!  
I'm very excited to have tomorrow off too.  I love 3 day weekends!  Hope you all had a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I would like to have movie night with the kids...I think they are at the age now where they would actually sit for the entire movie!
    I order all the kids presents off of Amazon too :)


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