The boys in my house, big one included, are all about Legos and Star Wars right now. So, Santa brought many things Legos and Star Wars related for Christmas. One of the things he brought was this Lego Contraptions Kit. It teaches you how to make all kinds of crazy, cool contraptions with Legos. The boys broke this out today and played with it for a long time. Vann did all of the contraption building and Chayce was his little sidekick building his own creations with the Legos Vann wasn't using. I love when they play nicely together!
The start of a contraption |
Looking for his next piece |
That was hilarious Mom! |
Checking out the finished product...I love his little grin...he's so proud of himself! |
This one was called Art-a-mation. You put a pen or pencil in it and it acted sorta like those spirograph toys...remember those growing up...I do, I loved mine! |
I got the boys signed up for swimming lessons today...yay! We start next week. It'll be Chayce's first time doing something like this by himself...he's done classes before, but always the parent/tot ones. I'm excited, nervous and sad all at the same time. I'm excited for him to start building a trusting relationship with his instructor...I'm nervous he's gonna be a handful for him/her...and I'm sad my baby is growing up. I remember the first time Vann did swimming lessons by himself. It was his first time not being with me in a class too. I had tears in my eyes as I watched him through the glass. Thankfully they've lightened up a bit on the rules and parents can now watch from the chairs on the side of the pool. But after a couple of classes, I really enjoyed watching him bond with his instructor...trusting her more and more each lesson. Now Vann loves swimming lessons...and he can't wait to start next week! I'll be sure to bring my camera and snap some picks of them being little fish in the water.
I have to wait till Monday to sign them up for gymnastics since they're technically closed for the holidays except for the open gym they have a couple of times a day. I gotta tell ya, gymnastic classes are expensive! But they're both really interested in taking them so, besides the price, I'm excited about them. I can't wait to see all the fun things they learn!
I took one of our Christmas trees down tonight. It was looking pretty sad. Between the kids brushing up against it while looking at the ornaments and it just being an old tree...I got it over 10 years was ready to come down and be put back in it's box. And it may never come out again. Two more branches fell off this year. Now there are only like 3 out of 8 branches on the bottom row. I used to be able to put it up in a corner and turn it just right so, you didn't notice the missing branches...but now there's just no hiding it. I think it's time for a new tree. I'm hoping to snag an after Christmas special while I'm doing my weekly Target run tomorrow night. Wish me luck!
Alrighty, I'm off to browse for some yummy appetizers for our New Years Eve party. I always like to try new dips and stuff. I come!
Have a great night!
Love the pics of the boys! It's so cute how Chayce even sits on the same chair as Vann--as if he just couldn't stand to be too far from him. Can't wait until New Year's Eve!! Oh, and I'm bringing an appetizer. Because I said so, that's why. :D