Showing posts with label soccer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soccer. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Go Fish

Letter G yesterday...of course we had to play Go Fish!  Ash even got in of the action.  He's getting so big.  I love it, but I do wish time would slow down a bit.  I just have to make sure to be present every day and make the moments count.  Because gosh do they go fast!  Okay back to G...we learned about gorillas.  Played Guess Who.  The big kids did either geometry or graphing on Chaycers blows me away sometimes.  The problems he does are tough!  And many are multiple steps so he really has to think.  He's a smart lil cookie!  Oh we also learned about geometric solids.  All the kids loved this and it turned into a pretty lengthy chat!

He was so cute holding his cards.  I had to help him fan them out, but then he held on tight!

Vann was practicing shuffling while we fished for animals. 

Harley Jo :)
Chaycers :)

I have these cool geometric solids.  My fav was hearing the littles try to say things like triangular lol.  

His favorite was the cone.

Oh I forgot...we watched glue dry!  They really wanted to do something with glue so, I pulled up a few glue art activities, but they weren't into them.  That's when I said have you ever let glue dry on your hands?!  

I remember doing this all the time when I was little.  I have no idea why, but I loved peeling it off.  And surprise surprise...they did too!  

The things kids funny! 

Chaycers had his soccer party after work.  He's improved so much over the years.  I hope he wants to play again in the fall.  

Okay time to get busy today!  I'm determined to mop my dirty floors at some point.  Or maybe I should just hire someone ha!  I'm joking.  Sort of.  If getting some cleaning help wasn't so expensive I'd be all over it.  Until then I'll just get around to scrub a dubbing every so often and embracing the mess in between.  I'd rather spend more moments with the boys anyhow :)

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Fall Activities

Fall is right around the corner...yay!  I'm usually very sad for summer to be over, but for some reason am uber excited for fall this year.  I'm loving the cooler temps...I'm a total hoodie girl :)  I spent this past weekend getting the boys signed up for a few fall activities.  It's fun to see them start to venture off into their own things.  In the past they've pretty much signed up to do all the same things.  But this year we're shaking things up a bit which is a-ok with me!  

Vann's going to start swim lessons in about a week.  He loves to swim and is really looking forward to getting more water action.  My hope is that his strokes get a little better as I know that will help him become an even better swimmer.  

Chacyers started soccer this week.  He has practice two nights a week and games on Saturdays.  I really like his coach...we had him last year as well.  His main focus is for the kids to have fun and I love that.  Yes, I want him to learn new skills, but mostly I want him to try his best and have fun doing it.  I'm excited to watch Chayce do something he enjoys and hopefully score a few goals!

And my little Ash is going to do soccer as well.  He is soooo super excited about it!  I really cannot wait to see him's going to be great!  His soccer is only 4 classes...kinda bummed about that, but if it goes well I'll sign him up for more.  

And now for some random pics from the past week or so...

Take my picture Mom!

Sweet Chaycers :)

Exploring the rocks in their Rock On! game.  

They really like this game!

Playing at the playground before soccer practice last night.

Notice anything different?!  He lost his tooth yesterday afternoon!!

Vann is really into learning how to play the piano right now.   I love watching/hearing him play!  I heart the piano a lot and loved playing when I was younger.  Who am I kidding...I still love playing!

Here's a video of him practicing his C Major Arpeggios.  We are loving the free lessons from Hoffman Academy.

Monday, November 24, 2014

End of soccer season

I gotta admit, I was a little relieved when soccer was over.  I mean it was fun, I loved watching the boys and they both enjoyed it, but it was also a lot of running here and there and everywhere.  I can't imagine how busy we'll be when all three boys have places to be...phew makes me tired just thinking about it!

Coach is handing out trophies.

Vann's turn!

Ash and Vann snuggled up watching Chayce's cute!


Chayce's soccer team...he's on the bottom right.

Getting his trophy

A few girlfriends and I did the Zombie Run put on by our park district.  It was a 2 mile run through the woods with obstacles and zombies to get past.  When I say woods...I mean woods.  No trail, just a small trampled path on uneven ground with branches and plants hitting us as we ran.  It was fun actually!  And hard...I don't run ever.  Haven't run since high school.  But I did it!!  My lungs were screaming at me about a 1/2 mile into the run so, that part wasn't fun because it hurt a lot, but I just kept on running.  My lungs were very glad when I was done, but my body could've kept going...all my working out paid off in that respect.  But if I wanted to be a runner I'd need to train just for my lungs sake.  

You'll notice we each had two red things hanging from our waists.  These were our lives.  Our mission was to run to the other base to get food and water because our base was out of both...and we had to avoid zombies on our way.  The zombies tried to take our lives as we ran past them.  At the other base they had fake bloody limbs and heads laying all felt like we were in a scary movie lol.  We had to find our water and food...a water bottle and a baggie with the goods to make smores.  Then we kept on running back to our base.  They had a bonfire going with sticks so we could make our smores.  It was fun!  

Alright, that's it for October!  Onto November...yay!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Parade, pizza and painting

We started September off watching a parade!  It rained almost the entire parade, but ya know what?  It was perfect because the boys and I all snuggled in close under our one umbrella and we had our legs covered with a sorta waterproofish blanket.  I really enjoyed it!   

Finally the rain stopped!  

The boys and I made some dried apples one day.  They gobbled them up in no time!  I'm actually going to make these tomorrow along with some banana chips and I'm going to try drying tomatoes as well...I'll let ya know how it goes.  Santa should totally bring me a food dehydrator with all the drying I've been doing :)

Brush them with lemon or lime juice
Bake at 200 degrees
for about 2 hours

One day we made homemade pizza.  We had some fun toppings... chicken, broccoli, spinach and was good!  

All of our toppings.  

Getting ready to go in 
the oven
All done...yum!

Ash has found his love for painting!  And he does really well...not much of a mess which is surprising.  This day we used sponges to paint with. 

Dipping his sponge in paint.

Taking a cute!

Look Mom!

He was dabbing and swirling and really getting into it!   He did not want to stop.  We hung the paintings on the wall and it was adorable...he was sooo proud of his!  He stood by it and smiled...too cute!

There is a baseball field right next to where Vann plays his soccer games and Ash loves to play in the dirt.  He usually leaves with dirt all over him!  Hey, as long as he's having fun and being good, I don't care how dirty he gets :)

Chaycers was playing goalie!

Okay that's it for tonight.  I'll post more soon!  

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

No more pacifier!

It's soccer time!  The boys started soccer two weeks ago.  They each have practice two nights a week and games on Saturdays...we are pretty busy!  They're enjoying it though so, that's all that matters. 

Chaycers was excited about soccer like two weeks before it even started.  He would wear his shin guards all day because he couldn't wait to play!  

Little Ash is getting sooo big!  He is talking up a storm.  Not only does he repeat everything we say, but he says things like 'water please' and 'kisses Vann' and 'press play'...he's putting all kinds of words together to make phrases.  I love it!!  

And he's officially pacifier free!  It kind of happened by accident.  He wasn't feeling well this past weekend.  Woke up Saturday with a fever and took a 5 hour nap...for reals.  Still not feeling well the next morning...just a fever no other symptoms.  Usually his pacifier stays in his crib and he only uses it when he sleeps.  He never has it during the day.  Well, since he wasn't feeling good we let him lay on the couch with it.  

Then he started feeling better and started playing and it got lost.  And since that was the last pacifier he had and I planned on taking it away when he turned two I thought well, now's as good a time as any to be done with it.  That first night was brutal...not gonna lie.  He was up like 15 times...I'm exaggerating a little, but he was up a lot.  Moaning and just couldn't stay asleep.  Didn't help that he still wasn't feeling 100%...I felt pretty bad for him and almost went to the store and bought another one.  

But we made it through the night and he's been fine since!  And guess where I found it the next the way bottom corner of his crib!!  He must've put it back and I didn't realize it.  Ah's for the best.  Although it really just means my baby is growing up...which makes me happy and sad all at the same time.  

I was switching the laundry and overheard Ash saying...3, 2, 1 go!   
Then he tried a bigger car and realized pretty quickly that it wasn't going to work :)

Okay I'm off to bed.  I hope you have a great day tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Last soccer game

Vann had his last soccer game on Saturday.  The last official game is actually this coming Saturday, but we'll be in Ohio so, he'll miss it.  I figured I'd better snap a few pics with my good camera so here they are...

On our way to the game

Vann running down the field...he's in the blue and white jersey...#6

Trying to get the ball from the other team.

These next pics are of Chayce being silly.  

It was hilarious...I was cracking up!

Giving Ash hugs

He loves his little brother!

Sweet lil' thing :)

Don't eat the leaf Ash!


I don't think we won the game, but Vann did score a goal so, that was exciting!  Now that soccer's over, I'm thinking I'll sign the boys up for swimming lessons.  They'll be excited about that.  

Okay I'm super tired so, I'm outta here.  Have a good night!