Showing posts with label baseball. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baseball. Show all posts

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Letter B...

So the kids are really getting into our letter fun...this makes me happy!  Today was all about balloons and bubbles.  A good game of baseball.  Learning about bugs...butterflies, beetles, and bees.  The little kids made bracelets with beads...some fine motor action there.  And the big kids built bridges.  

Making bracelets...

All done!

Bubbles!  Seriously, all kids love bubbles. 

Ash is trying to kick the bubble lol. 

The neighbor kids came over and helped make
bubble magic happen for the littles.

And then they played baseball.  With a whiffle ball.  Although they asked multiple times for a real baseball.  But I like my windows without holes.  So I told them I'd take them to the ball field soon and they can use a real baseball there...yes!

He was patiently waiting for someone to
hit the ball so he could run to 3rd.
So he got comfy and sat down.  

And started playing with grass haha!

Time to build a Lego bridge.

First he tried his with a base...
And it worked!

Then he tried it without...
He was so surprised it held!

Chaycers is working hard on his bridge.

He was excited his didn't break!

So he tried a larger can...

Now he's trying 3 cans...

Got it, yes!

As they were journaling for the day, they thought of a few more B things they'd like to do.  So I think we're gonna continue this on Monday, yay!  Tomorrow we're taking a break from our letter fun to do a few other things.  Stay tuned for that tomorrow night.

Oh guess what?!  I signed Vann up for piano lessons!!  We're both so excited!  He is sooo into the piano and has been for awhile now.  I love listening to him play.  And I often wonder if the happiness that brings me is what my mom felt when I played.  I imagine it is.  I loved playing the piano.  Still do actually!  But I'm not as good as I was when I was 14.  So hearing Vann play for hours just because he wants to...warms my heart and is literally music to my ears.  His teacher, Dave, is in a band and all he does besides that is teach piano.  It was evident by just talking to him that he looooves what he does.  Aaah, I can't wait!  He starts next Thursday.  I will for sure let ya know how his first lesson goes!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Vann's last baseball game

Our 2015 baseball season has come to an end!  I had such a good time watching Vann play and cheering him on during every game.  I snapped a few pics at his last two games...

Up to bat

It's much better without the fence in the way...little cutie :)

Playing catcher

On first...he got two hits during his final game...yay!!

I posted yesterday how he loves to create.  Well here's his latest creation...a cross bow made out of pencils, paper, tape and rubberbands.  So flippin' cool!  And it shoots uber fast!  I have extra holes in my walls thanks to this fun creation :)

Monday, June 22, 2015

My little pitcher

Ash loves baseball.  He loves watching it on tv with Chris and watching his big brothers play.  His most fav though is playing catch.  And it's so super cute!  At one of Vann's games he practiced his pitching with Chris.  Check out the video's adorable!

Watching Vann play ball.

Playing catch with Dad.

Here he is pitching.  I love his wind up, especially his little leg.  And he's checking for steals at the flippin' cute!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Baseball, farmer's market & Rubik's cubes

It was gorgeous last Saturday for our baseball games.  I even got a light flip flop tan going on!  Chaycers had a game in the morning and Vann had one in the afternoon.  Here are a few pics...

Little Ash and I watching Chayce's game

Chaycers up to bat.

He was watching Vann and Ash play dodge ball with some kids.  He kept was cute!

And here's Vann pitching.

Up to bat. 

After our games, we spent the rest of the day outside.  I went to the store and got the kids some popsicles.  I also picked up a quart of chocolate brownie ice cream for myself.  Bad idea...I ate the entire container within 24 hours!  I love chocolate so much and have zero self control when it's in my house.  It was delicious, but boy did I have a belly ache lol.  

Look Mom!

Our farmer's market opened up the Friday before so we had to stop by and check it out.  This will be our new go to place for fruits and veggies over the summer.  They always have great deals...I love it!  This week they have all their apples for 59 cents a pound...I'll be super stocking up.  We go through so much produce every week it's crazy.  I love it though!

Ash is munching on a green bean...yes he eats them raw!

The boys have been begging me to buy another Rubik's cube.  I finally caved and let them spend their money to buy some.  Vann got a Curvy Copter and Chayce got a Snake Twist.  Both very fun!  

Guess what?!  I can solve this one!!  And Chaycers almost has it down as won't be long before he has it mastered :) 

Have a great day!!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

More baseball

Vann played a game at the field with the cool, covered dugouts too! It was rainy the entire game so it worked out perfect.  The boys got a break from the rain while they waited to bat.  And then a few days later I bought a much bigger umbrella at the store.  It's pretty rainbow colors...I can't wait to use it!

Getting ready to bat

Up to bat

On 1st base

Playing 2nd base

Running home!

At one point I turned around to check on Chayce and he was twirling in the so cute!  He was in his own little happy world dancing in the rain.  Made my heart smile :)

I happened to catch one of Vann's hits on video and am currently trying to upload it to's taking forever.  Anyhow be sure to check back later for that! 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

More t-ball!

I've got some more t-ball pictures for ya!  So this game was a fun one because they played on a real field.  Normally they play on a smaller grass field so playing on the dirt was a lot of fun for them.  Plus they really loved the covered dugouts!  Warning...there are a lot of pictures!!

Warming up with Dad.  They are the closest to camera...can you see them?  Chaycers is off to the far right and Chris is kinda in the middle facing the right wearing a navy hoodie with white writing on the back.  

I love seeing all the dads out on the field playing catch with their kiddos! 

Chayce is playing 2nd base.  Dad's helping can see him on the left on Chaycers.
The dugout!  Chaycers was getting some gum.

Running from 1st to 2nd base.

Running to 3rd base.

Getting some pointers from Dad.

Meanwhile Ash is digging for buried treasures with some friends.

It was pretty chilly out which is why they're all bundled up.

This kept him busy for quite some time.

Cheese!!  I love this picture!

In between doing magic tricks, Rubik's cubes, and running around with the other kiddos, Vann decided to climb a tree!

Up to bat.  I really like his Coach a lot...he is so great with the kids!

Now he's playing catcher.

This little cutie looks like he's up to something!

Love it!