Showing posts with label alphabet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alphabet. Show all posts

Saturday, April 2, 2016

All about Ash

Oh my sweet little Ash.  He's so sweet, my nickname for him is Sweets :) For a long time, when I would say, 'Are you my Sweets?'  He would say, 'No, I'm Ash!'  But now he knows he's my Sweets and he likes it.  Anyhow, here are a bunch of pics of Ash from the past month or so...enjoy!

He fell asleep like this once day during his nap.
Talk about the perfect book to nap under!

Painting his letter P.  I still need to take a picture of his letter wall.  I will...soon.  I promise!

Check out my new bike!
It even holds pine cones :)

I think he likes it.

Practicing hammering nails with Dad.
He always has to be just like the big boys. 

Swinging at the neighbors
Watch out Chaycers!

He's such a goofball.  And so silly.  I love it!

Dad drew a face on his belly lol. 

While the big boys went to a birthday party, Ash and I went bowling!  He was so cute and watched his ball roll slowly down every single time.  

We had a lot of fun!  His bowling name was Sweets.
And then he crashed hard when we got home.

His curls.  I can't get enough of them!

We made a game out of the rocks he was playing with.  

Enjoying the weather a few weekends ago
with a walk to the park.  
His Easter goodies :)  There was a dinosaur theme.

Putting the money he found inside eggs in his piggy bank.

He loooves to cut!  And this book makes it fun.  

And this last week he painted the letter S.  He looks forward to this every week!  And asks almost every night as we're snuggling before bed, 'What letter are we learning about tomorrow?'  I love that he loves to learn :)

Phew that was a lot of pictures huh?!  This is why I need to stay caught up on my blogging.  I'm gonna try, really hard.  Because I love being able to look back at pictures and read about what was happening in our lives.  It's like my online scrapbook that I get to share with you :)  Okie doke, I hope you are having a lovely day!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Sheep puppet

One of our preschool themes a few weeks ago was Nursery Rhymes.  It was fun and they all loved hearing them over and over and over again!  I even found little Ash snuggled up on the couch with a nursery rhyme book a few times throughout the week singing the was too cute.  To go along with 'Mary had a Little Lamb,' we made sheep puppets.  Kids love puppets...for reals they do :)

Gluing some cotton balls onto the
back of a paper plate.

Drawing a face on his sheep.

Lil' cutie!  

Another day that week we colored green letter G's.  Gosh I still need to snap a pic of Ash's letters in his room so you can see how cool they look all hanging together.  I'll get on that asap!  

Coloring his letter G green.
He's like Mom, stop with
the pictures already!

Coloring is serious business :)

Christmas is 17 days away!  Are you ready?!  Would you believe I am done done done.  But I still have lots of wrapping to do.  So that's what I'm off to do right now...wrap my daycare kiddos presents :)  Have a great night!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

F is for Feather

We're learning about the letter F this week so, I thought feathers would be perfect for our F craft.  The kids loved them too!  

He did great putting the glue on his F's.  

Look at that feathery little f!

Working on the big F now. 
Almost done...

These feathers are fun!

So they don't look much like F's anymore, but he likes them :)

Bridget's working on her letter F.
She only wanted a big F on her paper :)

A blue one right here, perfect!

Harley's putting her glue on.
Gotta get the line on
the little f.

All done! 

So pretty huh?!

I'll have to snap a picture of our display of all the letters Ash has made so far.  I have them hung on a string in his room and every time he goes in there he points them out.  And he's started pointing them out everywhere else now too!  His fav is the big E and little e.  He's sees them on everything!  It's super cute, I love it.  

Monday, September 28, 2015

Cotton Ball C's

We used cotton balls to make letter C's last week.  A simple project that kept little Ash busy for a bit.  I so love how he stays focused the entire time we do activities like this.  He really gets into each one!  
Dipping his cotton ball in glue.

Harley hard at work...

Back to the big C...
More glus...

And he's done!  Great job buddy!

We hit the library that night to pick up a book about fossils.  We have one somewhere, but it's missing at the moment.  It'll turn up the day after we finish learning about fossils...I mean that's what always happens right?!  

I love our library and the boys love going there.  We were happily surprised to walk in and see it was family Lego night!  Usually they enjoy looking for new books or movies, but not this night.  This night they were all about Legos.  And our quick trip to the library turned into over an hour of play.  It was great!

They're in heaven!

Watching Vann build something cool.  

Almost done...

He made the 'Ultimate Slide'...they had a few marbles on the table as well so he was able to test his slide out and it worked!  

What's cool is that after the kids build something they have a shelf to set them on until the next Lego event.  So when we went to the library a few days later the boys made sure to check out Vann's creation again!  And Chaycers still has an art project up on the wall from a class he went to at the beginning of the month.  He shows it to me every time we go to the library :)