Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Saturday, April 2, 2016

All about Ash

Oh my sweet little Ash.  He's so sweet, my nickname for him is Sweets :) For a long time, when I would say, 'Are you my Sweets?'  He would say, 'No, I'm Ash!'  But now he knows he's my Sweets and he likes it.  Anyhow, here are a bunch of pics of Ash from the past month or so...enjoy!

He fell asleep like this once day during his nap.
Talk about the perfect book to nap under!

Painting his letter P.  I still need to take a picture of his letter wall.  I will...soon.  I promise!

Check out my new bike!
It even holds pine cones :)

I think he likes it.

Practicing hammering nails with Dad.
He always has to be just like the big boys. 

Swinging at the neighbors
Watch out Chaycers!

He's such a goofball.  And so silly.  I love it!

Dad drew a face on his belly lol. 

While the big boys went to a birthday party, Ash and I went bowling!  He was so cute and watched his ball roll slowly down every single time.  

We had a lot of fun!  His bowling name was Sweets.
And then he crashed hard when we got home.

His curls.  I can't get enough of them!

We made a game out of the rocks he was playing with.  

Enjoying the weather a few weekends ago
with a walk to the park.  
His Easter goodies :)  There was a dinosaur theme.

Putting the money he found inside eggs in his piggy bank.

He loooves to cut!  And this book makes it fun.  

And this last week he painted the letter S.  He looks forward to this every week!  And asks almost every night as we're snuggling before bed, 'What letter are we learning about tomorrow?'  I love that he loves to learn :)

Phew that was a lot of pictures huh?!  This is why I need to stay caught up on my blogging.  I'm gonna try, really hard.  Because I love being able to look back at pictures and read about what was happening in our lives.  It's like my online scrapbook that I get to share with you :)  Okie doke, I hope you are having a lovely day!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Easter 2015

I know I'm a little late on this Easter post, but for some reason I was having a hard time getting my pictures to transfer from my camera to my computer.  But I got it figured out!  We had a nice relaxing Easter.  The boys hunted for eggs the bunny left.  Then spent the morning playing with the fun stuff he left them in their baskets.  It was beautiful out that day so I decided to pack up a picnic lunch and we hit the park for a few hours.  They loved that!  Then Chris made some super yummy steaks for melt in your mouth yummy!  It was a fun family filled day :)

Everyone got a new Rubik's cube.  They are 'the' thing in our house right now!

Look Mom!

He was digging this triangle cube.  Trust me it's harder than it looks.  I cannot solve it.  Vann can though...he's a Rubik's cube master!

They each got a new water bottle...perfect for our multitude of baseball games over the next few months.  And Ash got this water coloring book.  

And each got $5 in an egg in their baskets...lucky ducks!!

This mini magna doodle will come in handy for killing time while watching his big brothers play ball.  

Finding eggs...

Got one!

So this little water coloring book was a huge hit!!  He was so into it...kinda surprised me.  

My Chaycers

My Vannimal

They love pokey eggs in bread and I usually just cut a circle out of the bread, but today I got a little fancy and made a cross!  

They thought it was pretty cool.  And fruit kabobs...Ash is into kabobs right now :)

More water book action.

His crazy smile!

Chaycers got a new Xbox game that he's wanted for a few months now.  He was stoked about that!

Coloring in his 'real' coloring book.

Slide time!

He was in love with the slide...he went down over and over and over again!

Chayce climbing up this thing.

I laid a picnic blanket out and the kids had fun running back and forth...they'd come take a few bites and then zoom down the slide.  It was a great time!  I hope you had a nice Easter with your fam!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter fun

We had a nice Easter.  The boys woke up and were excited to see what all the bunny had left them.  Not a lot of candy this year.  I don't let them eat much of it and then I'm the one eating it by the handfuls.  No good.  So I got zero chocolate.  I cannot be trusted around chocolate.  One fun thing the boys did get was a boom box.  They're just like Chris and they love listening to music.  So, I thought it would be fun for them to be able to take it from room to room or even outside.  It's been playing nonstop since Sunday :)  

Ash checking out his basket.

He was excited!

Oooh, pretzels, my fav :)

And a ball…I love balls!

The older two digging into their baskets.

Smile Vann!

His eyes are always squinting when he smiles :)

The best part about Easter…the grass that ends up everywhere!  Can you sense my sarcasm :)

He was a big fan of it that's for sure.  Had the floor covered in no time!

He got new alligator jammies the other day…he loves his chomp chomp :)

Checking out his coloring book.

And his glow ball…a beach ball with a glow stick in it.  

We went to Brian's families house in the afternoon.  The kids had a ball playing outside…it was soooo nice out!  When we got back home Ash took a much needed nap and the older two colored eggs.  Nothing like doing it 'on' Easter, right?  I love coloring eggs.  They both made some pretty ones!

Ash is like 'Hey guys, you wanna play catch with this ball??'  

Vann, Chayce, Evelyn and Gabriella after hunting for eggs.  I wish they lived closer because they all get along so well.

Chayce was making a half-sie…each half of the egg a different color.

Look Mom!  

Dipping the other half of his half-sie egg.


Whatcha doin' over there Vann?

He taped his egg three different times and it turned out really cool!  
Happy Easter!!