Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


One of the downfalls of being in love with coupons and trying to score the best deals is that I can make myself crazy price checking and coupon hunting and waiting for price drops and price matching.  Should I buy it now or wait to see if maybe the price will come down even more?  And what about Black Friday...will the things I want be even cheaper then?  

You all know I love Amazon.  I love the two day free shipping.  I love that there's no tax.  What I don't love it that I can't return something if I find a better deal somewhere else.  And just ask Chris...I'm a returner.  Not a use something and then decide I don't like it returner.  I'm an honest returner.  But he still makes fun of me for it.  

Oh and another thing I don't love is when I find a great deal, but the shipping is only free if I spend $50.  So, then I shop for more stuff and by the time I check out the item I originally wanted is now out of stock.  Awesome.  That happened to me tonight on  You win some and you lose some I guess.

I need to come to terms with the fact that I may not always get the best deal...and it's okay.'s so hard to turn that crazy couponer part of me off though.  And it bites me in the butt sometimes.  Last year I bought the boys the game Sorry.  Then I found it cheaper somewhere else so, I bought it again.  My plan was to just return the other one.  Well, Christmas came and went and I could not find that second Sorry game anywhere.  Guess what I came across just last week...that stinkin' Sorry game!  It was hiding in our closet behind some clothes.   

Good news...I got a few more things knocked off my Christmas list tonight.  Fun, fun!  Have you started shopping yet?  Are you obsessed with finding the best deals like me?