Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts

Sunday, April 3, 2016

New Bikes

So I showed you Ash's new bike yesterday.  Well the older two each got one too!  They love them and ride them every chance they get.  We've been having crazy weather.  Like yesterday it was the 30's, snowed on and off.  While today is super the 60's, sunny and windy.  Mother Nature can't decide if she wants spring to be here just yet lol.  Anywho when it's nice outside, the boys hop on their bikes :)

My crew :)

From bikes to yoga.  Great transition huh?!  If we're friends on Facebook (if not please friend me!), you know I love yoga.  It has changed me on the outside and the inside in such great ways.  I'm so grateful to have found Bloom.  Besides spending time with my munchkins, which is my most fav thing, Bloom is one of my favorite places to be!

We played a little after a wonderful yin class
where we worked to open our shoulders.  

Looks fun right?!  It totally was :)

I read this book a few weeks ago.  It was really good!
I'm so drawn to stories that take place in other countries.
I love learning about their traditions and how different
things are as compared to here in the United States.  

Alrighty, I'm off to switch the laundry and maybe finish our taxes.  I've been really good at procrastinating them this year.  But I gotta get 'em done here soon!  Chris is cooking dinner.  I'm not sure what he's making, but I know it'll be delicious because he's amazing in the kitchen.  Hope your day is going great!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Planetarium fun & Christmas lights

A few of my daycare families didn't need me on Christmas Eve so, I thought, 'Hey, let's go to the Planetarium!'  I knew the boys and Harley would love it since we've been learning about the solar system in school.  Shoot I was excited to do a little space exploration!

Getting ready to watch a quick movie in one of those super cool theaters where the screen goes all the way up and around you.  
They're ready!

Exploring Mars

Driving rovers

I heart these crazy kids!  

This was a big rover.
It moved super slow,
but they liked driving it.

The Planetarium is right on Lake Michigan.  So pretty!  I plan to go again on a nicer day so we can eat lunch by the lake. 

He's ready to blast off!

Trying to take a selfie before our next space show.  I may or may not have napped a little during this one.  Not because it was boring...the kids loved it and thought it was funny...but give me a dark room and a comfy seat and well ya know, my eyeballs thought it was nigh night time.  So funny though, Vann totally called me out lol.  

Chaycers started the silliness with some muscle moves :)

Ash added his own goofiness lol. 

And Harley posed super cute!

It was a really fun time and I look forward to going again!

When we got home I had a fun package waiting for new yoga mat!!  I've been looking for the perfect mat for months.  Thanks Rana for my Christmas present...I love it!

That night we piled back in the car and went to see some cool Christmas lights.  It's one house with over 1 million lights...wowsa!  And it's all set to music...the boys loooved it!!   

We had to wait in line for about 20 minutes, but then we enjoyed the beautiful lights for an hour from our warm and cozy car.  

 My favorite was when the boys sang along with the music.  We all really enjoyed it and I hope to take them again next year :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Glowga & ice cream

It's no secret...I heart yoga.  So much so that I got myself a membership to my fav little yoga studio, Bloom Wellness Center.  I never imagined loving it this much.  It has impacted and changed me on the outside as well as on the inside.  It really is amazing and if you ever get a change to try it, you totally should!  

The boys love yoga too!  There's a kids yoga class every Saturday morning that I take them to once a month.  I'd take them every week, but it gets a little spendy with 3 of them so a monthly treat is enough for now.  Well one day Bloom had a special class for the kids to celebrate their 2nd birthday...Glowga.  It was yoga with glow sticks, glow paint, a black light and the whole class was in the dark.  So very cool!!  

My three munchkins :)

Painting ourselves with glow paint.

Kinda blurry, but this little dude loved it!

A pic by the black light :)

After class, they helped to create a Happy Birthday sign for Bloom.  It was their 2 year anniversary.  

Painting with Mary, she's so great with the kids.

A few days later we stopped by Nicole's candy shop and enjoyed some ice cream.  

I love his camera smile :)  

Swinging with their buddy, Kenny.  We miss him living next door to us.  They soak up every minute we do get to spend with him though!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Yoga, t-ball & a birthday party

Last Saturday we had a fun filled day!  The older two and I started off with some yoga.  They've been begging me to go to the kids class for weeks so it finally worked out with our schedule that they could go.  And they really enjoyed it!  I didn't watch their class, but they told me they played games and danced and did a bunch of yoga poses in the process.  I will take them again for sure!  

While they were in their class I went to an Ashtanga Yoga class.  I'm not exactly sure what makes this different from a regular Vinyasa Yoga class, but I think it's something to do with the breathing and flow of the movements...I'm still learning all the different styles of yoga!  Anyhow, it was a great class.  We practiced a few simpler arm balances...I have a lot of work to do to really master those suckers.  Even though my arms are way stronger than they were a year ago, they're still not strong enough.  So, anyhow I'm working to build up strength in my biceps and triceps so I can do more arm balances.  We also practiced headstands...oh my I haven't done one of those in like 20 years!  But I did one!  I did use the wall for help, but I tried super hard to keep my feet off the wall.  Anyhow, it was a fun class and I like it a lot!

After yoga we headed home for a quick lunch and then went to cheer Chaycers on for his t-ball game.   Here are a few pics of him in action... 


Running to 1st base...

I love his little pose here!

After t-ball we headed home so Chayce could change out of his uniform and then we were off to Mia's 7th birthday party.  The boys loved the jumphouse...surprise, surprise!  We spent about 3 hours there chatting and playing and was fun.  Here are some pics...

Chaycers sliding...

This little guy loved the jumphouse the most!

Haha, I like this shot!


Pinata action...

Vann's turn to take a whack at it.  Chayce also did the pinata, but I missed taking a pic of him.  

All the kiddos!  Ash is asking me if he can eat his sucker lol.  

At one point there were quite a few kids in the jumphouse and one of the bigger ones was climbing on the side of it and he fell right on Ash.  He bonked him pretty good.  Enough to give him a little fat lip...poor thing.  Thankfully I was right there when it happened and quick scooped him up.  There was a lot of blood at first and I couldn't tell what exactly in his mouth was bleeding.  So I had him drink a little water and then I could see that one of his bottom teeth poked through his upper lip.  He was a little cranky for about 30 minutes after it happened, but then he was ready to go jump again!  And his lip is all better as of today...yay!

Happy to be jumping again!