Showing posts with label legos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label legos. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Letter B continued...

It was so gorgeous out yesterday.  Boy do I love summer!  We spent as much of the day outside as possible.  But when we were inside we made sure to have some fun with the letter B.  Bingo...they love this game.  Bar graph with Legos.  Ball bouncing tic tac toe.  And name butterflies.  It was a great day!

Cheese!!  Love these munchkins.  

My Bingo spinner :)

I gave them each a cupful of Legos.
Here they are separating them into colors. 

Then they graphed them.

Double checking his work.

Chaycers drawing his bar graph.

This game lasted a long time...they loved it!

Two in one cup...yes!

After tic tac toe, they tried filling up the cups
with as many balls as possible simultaneously.  

I loved this project when I was little.  And they loved it too!
First you fold a piece of paper in half.
Then I wrote their names in pencil on the
folded line in cursive. Vann writes very well in
cursive, but not this large so he asked
me to write his name too :)

Then they traced their names with glitter glue and
folded the paper in half squishing it together. 

When you open it up you have a pretty butterfly!  

These two wanted to do their last names too.  

And little Ash did his name when he woke up from his nap.
I tried to make the names as loopy and flowy as possible :)

We finished our day off watching Chaycers play soccer.  He is seriously adorable when he plays.  He runs most of the time, but also has this skippity hop thing he does that make us giggle every time he does it.  I love it!

After soccer I hit the store to grab the goods for our meals I planned this week.  Tonight is Chinese...Vann cannot wait!  He looooves Chinese food.  Let's hope I can pull it off lol.  Have the best day!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Letter B...

So the kids are really getting into our letter fun...this makes me happy!  Today was all about balloons and bubbles.  A good game of baseball.  Learning about bugs...butterflies, beetles, and bees.  The little kids made bracelets with beads...some fine motor action there.  And the big kids built bridges.  

Making bracelets...

All done!

Bubbles!  Seriously, all kids love bubbles. 

Ash is trying to kick the bubble lol. 

The neighbor kids came over and helped make
bubble magic happen for the littles.

And then they played baseball.  With a whiffle ball.  Although they asked multiple times for a real baseball.  But I like my windows without holes.  So I told them I'd take them to the ball field soon and they can use a real baseball there...yes!

He was patiently waiting for someone to
hit the ball so he could run to 3rd.
So he got comfy and sat down.  

And started playing with grass haha!

Time to build a Lego bridge.

First he tried his with a base...
And it worked!

Then he tried it without...
He was so surprised it held!

Chaycers is working hard on his bridge.

He was excited his didn't break!

So he tried a larger can...

Now he's trying 3 cans...

Got it, yes!

As they were journaling for the day, they thought of a few more B things they'd like to do.  So I think we're gonna continue this on Monday, yay!  Tomorrow we're taking a break from our letter fun to do a few other things.  Stay tuned for that tomorrow night.

Oh guess what?!  I signed Vann up for piano lessons!!  We're both so excited!  He is sooo into the piano and has been for awhile now.  I love listening to him play.  And I often wonder if the happiness that brings me is what my mom felt when I played.  I imagine it is.  I loved playing the piano.  Still do actually!  But I'm not as good as I was when I was 14.  So hearing Vann play for hours just because he wants to...warms my heart and is literally music to my ears.  His teacher, Dave, is in a band and all he does besides that is teach piano.  It was evident by just talking to him that he looooves what he does.  Aaah, I can't wait!  He starts next Thursday.  I will for sure let ya know how his first lesson goes!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Christmas 2015

Merry Christmas!  I know, I know, it's January lol.  But I wanted to share our Christmas fun with you.  We spent the morning opening presents from Santa, playing with the boys' new goodies and then getting ready to go to Casey's house for more family fun.  It was lovely!

Vann got a mini Cubebot in his stocking.
This kid loves anything puzzle related.

Orange Tic Tacs...yes!!

This was the only
thing he asked for...
Super Mario Maker...
and he loves it! little coding robots.

magic puzzle game...right up his alley.  

Lil sweetie :)
This is a maze bank...
super cool!

Legos are always a big hit with the boys!

You can't beat new crayons.

And this is what he was waiting for...Halo 4!
His Christmas is made.

Bugs + boys = fun!

This lil' dude
loves Blaze.  
Now he's got Blaze
plus a few friends :)

He asked for a Batman Lego set and
had fun putting it together with Chaycers. 

We love I Spy books.

Miss Molly got a new toy too!  She loves it :)

And now for the big joint present!  You may think I'm a little cray cray and that's ok...I am lol.  All three boys love, like super love, the drums.  They are constantly creating their own homemade drum sets with pots and pans and pillows and chopsticks and pencils, etc.  And Chaycers has asked for a drum set for about 3 years now.  

I have always immediately dismissed getting one because who wants to listen to that  Not me!  But then I started thinking, what if this is what they're supposed to do?  What if their destiny is to be in a band?  It's far fetched, but what if??  I could not live with myself if I crushed that dream.  And besides knowing how to play musical instruments is super cool.  So I began researching quiet drum sets.  Funny right...a 'quiet' drum set?  Well wouldn't ya know they make electronic drums! 

After reading a bazillion reviews I decided on this Alesis drum set.  I also researched online drum lessons and they've learned a lot since starting those this month.  I will have to tape them playing and show you.  It's pretty sweet.  I'm telling you, playing the drums well is a lot harder than it looks.  It's so much more than just the banging you think it is.  I'm so happy we got this for's the best 'out there' idea ever!  And it made three little boys very happy on Christmas morning :)

In heaven!
He loves them.  

Rockin' out.

This was the only pic I took at Casey's house.  It was a fun time!

More drumming action the next day.  And pretty much everyday since Christmas lol.  

I love this...shirt unbuttoned, in his own little drumming world.  

I hope your Christmas was full of family fun and lots of love!  Okay back to January of 2016...