Showing posts with label bike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bike. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Jets & jelly fish

We skipped our letter fun on Monday and jumped back in to letter J fun on Tuesday!  We made blow jets.  Practiced our jumping.  Played slap jack...which turned into go fish as they like that game better.  We learned about jelly fish.  They are crazy cool.  I got stung one time when I was younger...not sure how old, under 14 though.  My mom, dad, sister and I were in Galveston at the beach and all I remember was walking out to get a better look at that pretty thing in the ocean.  Bad move Jen, bad move.  I walked right into the jelly fish!  My dad was right there and scooped me up...getting stung in the process.  Even still, I think they are pretty and amazing.  Although I think that about almost every living creature...even spiders which I uber dislike.  Speaking of spiders, we learned about jumping spiders.  The boys love spiders...eew!  Later that night as we were snuggling before bed, we were watching an animal show on tv and wouldn't ya know a blurp about jumping spiders came on!  I love when stuff like that happens.  

Vann used the stencil to make his jet.

The rest of the kids used a pre-made one.  I helped Ash cut and fold his, but boy did he enjoy blowing it!  

Over and over and over again!

Squeals and yays every time he launched his jet!

Chaycers following the instructions on where to fold it.

Then you tape it to a large straw, insert a smaller straw and blow to make your jet fly.

Vann's turn.

We spent a lot of time outside as well.  Watched our baby birds.  Rode bikes.  Rollerbladed.  Ate popsicles.  I read some of my book.  It was a lovely afternoon!

He's gotta protect at all times!  A little dangerous I know.  But he's a boy and I've gotten used to them living on the edge just a bit.  

They made a mini roller rink out of the driveway.  

And then this happened lol.  Which turned into Chayce riding his bike while he pulled Vann on blades down the sidewalk.  And you guessed it...a big bump on the 'road' and boom...two scraped knees.  He got 'em pretty good.  But I doctored him up and he's all good now.  I hate when they hurt themselves.  

Finishing a book is bittersweet sometimes.  I was happy to be at the end, but sad it was over.  Such a great read this one.  I've discovered I'm so drawn to historical books, both fiction and non.  Also books about other countries and war.  It still surprises me when I get engulfed in these such books as I disliked history the most in school.  Probably because text books are boring.  But now I can't get enough!  If you haven't read this book you totally should.  It's fantastic.  

Sunday, April 3, 2016

New Bikes

So I showed you Ash's new bike yesterday.  Well the older two each got one too!  They love them and ride them every chance they get.  We've been having crazy weather.  Like yesterday it was the 30's, snowed on and off.  While today is super the 60's, sunny and windy.  Mother Nature can't decide if she wants spring to be here just yet lol.  Anywho when it's nice outside, the boys hop on their bikes :)

My crew :)

From bikes to yoga.  Great transition huh?!  If we're friends on Facebook (if not please friend me!), you know I love yoga.  It has changed me on the outside and the inside in such great ways.  I'm so grateful to have found Bloom.  Besides spending time with my munchkins, which is my most fav thing, Bloom is one of my favorite places to be!

We played a little after a wonderful yin class
where we worked to open our shoulders.  

Looks fun right?!  It totally was :)

I read this book a few weeks ago.  It was really good!
I'm so drawn to stories that take place in other countries.
I love learning about their traditions and how different
things are as compared to here in the United States.  

Alrighty, I'm off to switch the laundry and maybe finish our taxes.  I've been really good at procrastinating them this year.  But I gotta get 'em done here soon!  Chris is cooking dinner.  I'm not sure what he's making, but I know it'll be delicious because he's amazing in the kitchen.  Hope your day is going great!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

All about Ash

Oh my sweet little Ash.  He's so sweet, my nickname for him is Sweets :) For a long time, when I would say, 'Are you my Sweets?'  He would say, 'No, I'm Ash!'  But now he knows he's my Sweets and he likes it.  Anyhow, here are a bunch of pics of Ash from the past month or so...enjoy!

He fell asleep like this once day during his nap.
Talk about the perfect book to nap under!

Painting his letter P.  I still need to take a picture of his letter wall.  I will...soon.  I promise!

Check out my new bike!
It even holds pine cones :)

I think he likes it.

Practicing hammering nails with Dad.
He always has to be just like the big boys. 

Swinging at the neighbors
Watch out Chaycers!

He's such a goofball.  And so silly.  I love it!

Dad drew a face on his belly lol. 

While the big boys went to a birthday party, Ash and I went bowling!  He was so cute and watched his ball roll slowly down every single time.  

We had a lot of fun!  His bowling name was Sweets.
And then he crashed hard when we got home.

His curls.  I can't get enough of them!

We made a game out of the rocks he was playing with.  

Enjoying the weather a few weekends ago
with a walk to the park.  
His Easter goodies :)  There was a dinosaur theme.

Putting the money he found inside eggs in his piggy bank.

He loooves to cut!  And this book makes it fun.  

And this last week he painted the letter S.  He looks forward to this every week!  And asks almost every night as we're snuggling before bed, 'What letter are we learning about tomorrow?'  I love that he loves to learn :)

Phew that was a lot of pictures huh?!  This is why I need to stay caught up on my blogging.  I'm gonna try, really hard.  Because I love being able to look back at pictures and read about what was happening in our lives.  It's like my online scrapbook that I get to share with you :)  Okie doke, I hope you are having a lovely day!

Monday, April 27, 2015

A few random pics...

Vann got the game, Diary of a Wimpy Kid 10 Second Challenge, in his Easter basket and the boys think it's so fun to play.  It has you do these seemingly easy, but pretty difficult challenges.  Reminds me a little of Minute to Win It...remember that game?!  We like that game a lot too.  Anyhow one of the challenges was to do a head here's Chaycers doing just that :)  

For the past two months, I've challenged myself to get 100 miles by either walking or riding my bike.  Mostly I've been riding my bike because it hasn't been nice enough for many walks outside.  I love my bike turns my road bike into a stationery one so I can ride it whenever I want.  These next pics are a glimpse of what little Ash does while I ride and he's awake.  I've got my bike tucked into the corner of our basement right by the pinball machine so he likes to hang out and chat with me or sing to whatever song comes on my Pandora.  He's really great about letting me get my bike rides in which I love.  

He loves playing with Vann's Legos.

Cutie patootie :)

Yes he's sunburned :(  This mama failed big time during Opening Day for baseball.  It was nice out, but not 'that' nice out...well not nice enough that sunscreen even crossed my mind.  So all the boys had pink cheeks...little Ash was the worst.  

I loaded him up with aloe and he was back to normal after a few days.  And no worries...I'm stocked up on sunscreen!  I won't make that mistake twice.  

He loves his books :)

So guess how many miles I have for the month of April so far?!?!  105!!  My goal for this month is actually 120 so I have a few more to go to reach my goal.  These miles were all on my bike.  I hope to get a few nice walks and bike rides in with the boys next month since it should be a little warmer out.  And then in June I plan to do a 25 mile bike ride!  Our town is having a bike ride/race and I'm really looking forward to it.  Now to find someone to help shuttle my kids to and from their baseball games that happen to be at the same exact time as the race!  Still working out the details on that...I'll get it all squared away here soon.  

Okay gotta go finish up some schoolwork with the boys.  We've got spelling, a little science and art left to do.  Fun stuff!  

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Parachute and PiYo fun!

We pulled out this fun parachute the other day.  Remember this from gym in elementary school??  It's always a lot of fun for the kids.  Lots of squealing and giggling goes on when we bring it out!   

Ash was super excited about it!

Then he just wanted to sit in the middle of it and have the kids spin him around in circles.

The boys and I love going for bike rides.  We try to do it every chance we get, but it's still not enough  Ash loves riding in the trailer.  I put a few books in there for him now and I love hearing him say the names of the animals or whatever is in his book.  He's quite the little talker these days...I love it!

The boys got to pick out a free book at the library after they completed their summer book reading log.  Great job boys!!

I love when the boys try to work out with me.  After a few poses Ash decided to tackle Chayce and then he laid on his belly with his hands under his chin and just was cute!

Great down dog boys!!

Tackle time!

I hope you have a great day!!