Showing posts with label geography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label geography. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Lily Pads

To go along with our fishing theme, the kids made lily pads today.  Here's some pics...

Chaycers coloring away!

Vann cut his lily pad into a cool shape!

What color should I use next?

So cute!

Love him!

Vann and I started learning about the United Kingdom today.  And I gotta tell ya...I learned a lot!  I'm embarrassed to say, but I didn't even know where the UK was...sad I know.  And when I went to the library to look for books I was so confused as to why some were titled United Kingdom and some Great Britain.  But I'm happy to report, I've got it all figured out now!  What's funny is that one of the places I've always wanted to's on my bucket Ireland.  I just think that country is so beautiful from all the pictures I've seen.  Anyhow, turns out Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom...who knew?!  So, yeah this homeschooling business is teaching me quite a bit too :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Winter break...sort of

I had a bit of a less busy day today.  My one daycare family's mom is a teacher so, her winter break started today and I won't have her kiddos for 2 weeks.  As much as I miss the kids, it's nice to have a little break....especially around the holidays.  I do still have my other daycare kiddos though so, it's not a total break, but I'll take whatever I can get.  

I found some more pics of the boys playing army guys the other day.  I just can't believe how much they like them.  I never would've guessed they would be such a big hit.  Probably because it was just me and my sister growing up so, naturally we didn't have any army guys in our toy room.  

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Today we did a lot of little crafts and stuff.  I didn't get pics of most of it, but I did capture a few of them creating winter scenes.  Vann asked if he could make a Mario winter scene...of course you can buddy, you can make whatever winter scene you're little heart desires!  So, he did just that.  Chaycers wanted to paint with his Crayola Wonder paint thing.  He made four Mario pictures...he even explained them all to cute!  

Vann and Chayce hard at work

Vann and I have been learning about China this week.  He's been calling Chayce 'didi' all week.  That's little brother in Chinese.  And when he learned that father was 'baba' he immediately ran to Dad and said, 'Hey Baba!'  Chris was like, 'What?'  

The boys are still really into the Magic Tree House books.  I actually bought the first four off of Amazon instead of borrowing them from the library because Vann said he would like to try and read them again by himself after we read them together.  So, I thought it'd be great to add them to our home library of books.  I'm sure we'll end up with he whole set when it's all said and done.  

Alrighty, well I gotta fold some laundry before I go to bed so, I better get on that.  Hope you all had a super day!  

Saturday, October 8, 2011

School Fun

Our preschool theme was Safety Sense this week.  We talked about all kinds of safety...home, fires, strangers, etc.  We read a ton of books and did a bunch of crafts.  I was bad about taking pics...but I did get a few on Friday.  

Chayce is trying to get his stickers off.  One of their crafts was an exit door hanger.
Vann working on his project.

Vann and I studied Mexico this week.  One of the fun things we did was make our own tortillas.  I've never made them before and holy cow are they easy!  The kids loved dipping them in their chili (not a Mexican dish I know, but it's what was for lunch...I didn't plan that very well :) )  

Vann's rolling out his tortillas.
I cut the tortilla into pumpkins...seemed appropriate since it's October.  The kids loved them!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wordy Wednesday

I feel like I have so much to tell you today.  So, here goes...

Little Chaycers had his 3 year check up on Monday.  He did great!  See normally he starts crying the second we walk into the examine room...every time since he was 2 months old, never fails.  But it's been a year since we've been there so, I was optimistic.  I always prep my kids when they're going to get shots.  So, when I told him he had a check up, his first question was about shots and if they would hurt.  I told him yes to both questions.  Why tell him it's going to hurt you ask...well why lie about it?  I said, yes it's going to hurt, but just a little bit and only for a second.  He said ok.  

So, we get there right on time.  Waited 45 minutes in the waiting room...that part makes me crazy!  When we finally got in the examine room, he happily did everything the nurse asked him to.  He's still my little peanut...weighing in at a whopping 28 lbs and is 37 inches tall.  I weighed Vann while we were there...he's my little skinny mini too...38 lbs and I forgot to see how tall he is.  Then it was shots time.  Not really shots...they did the finger/toe poke and the tb test.  Dr. K asked him whether he wanted his finger or toe poked, he picked his toe.  It didn't blood.  So, she picked his ring finger.  He got a bit anxious for a second, but then it was over and he was laughing about his bandaid.  Tb shot...not a peep outta him.  I was pleasantly surprised!  When we got in the car, he said, 'Mom, that finger one hurted!'  So cute.  By bath time he'd forgotten all about it.  

Our project today was to paint a dinosaur.  Paint = happy kiddos!  Here's some pics...

What else...Vann had pictures for soccer tonight.  Talk about a humongous mess of controlled chaos!  It went well, they had it all organized, but man were there a lot of kids...I mean a lot!

So, after pictures I took the boys to Subway for dinner.  We don't eat out a maybe once a month.  And usually we take it home to eat it, but today I thought hey, let's do something different and eat it there.  They were excited!  They got the oven roasted chicken and I got the buffalo chicken.  And they were so well behaved...made me proud!

When we got home, we decided to do our ice project.  Since we're talking about Canada this week, one of the things on our list to learn about is Hotel de Glace.  It's this awesome hotel made of ice and snow near Quebec City, Quebec.  You should google it...looks amazing!  Cold, but amazing.  You can actually sleep crazy.  I couldn't find any books in the library about it so, off to the internet we go.  We read about it online, looked at a bunch of pictures and watched a couple of videos about it.  I asked Vann if he would like to go there sometime.  He said, 'I don't want to sleep there, but that slide looks fun!'  They have an ice slide in the hotel.  After learning a little about Hotel de Glace, it was project time.  

Earlier today, Vann and I froze some colored ice cubes and ice blocks (water with food coloring in a bowl).  The idea was for them to see how they could get the ice to stick together and to chisel it into another shape or whatever.  They loved it...seriously loved it!  If you're ever looking for a fun project to keep your kids happily entertained...give this a shot.  

To get the ice cubes to stick together they were supposed to dip their paint brush in water, brush part of the ice, then hold another piece of ice to that spot until it sticks.  
Chayce holding his to make it stick
Vann's making a big one...
Yay, it stuck!
They also had small butter knives to chisel at the ice
Making another tower
Trying to cut it...he always held the knife upside down...silly boy!

I love this one!  
Maybe if I stack them up and then try to cut them it'll work...
Or not...I guess I'll just swish the ice block around like a hockey puck...that's fun!
Vann was proud that he made a 'smiley face...actually, it's a sad face because the ice won't curve,' he said.
Cleaning up his sad face with the paint brush.

I gotta tell ya, not once did they complain about their fingers being cold.  And they did this for a good half hour.  It was a fun project!

Sorry for the super long post...if you've read this far...thanks!  I'm off to bed...hope you had a great day!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Our preschool theme this week is dinosaurs.  The boys are, of course, loving it.  And oddly enough I didn't have to go to the library for any dinosaur books...we have more than enough here!  They enjoyed their craft today.  It was called Dinosaur Land.  Here are some pics... 

Vann loves to color and draw
Adding rocks to his mountain
They really liked gluing the rocks to their pictures

The country Vann and I are learning about this week is Canada.  It's so strange how we live just below Canada and I know next to nothing about it.  Kinda sad actually.  Like I didn't even know that Niagara Falls 1) is in the shape of a horseshoe and 2) part of it is in Canada and part is in the US.  Makes me wish I'd paid attention in history class growing up.  But back then history bored I find it so interesting and I want to learn more.   
Okay, well I'd love to chat more, but my bed is calling me.  And my eyes are super tired.  Hope you all had a great day!  

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Red, White & Blue

Vann and I are learning about the USA this week.  We just started this program called Expedition Earth: A Journey Through God's World that's pretty cool.  It was put together by a mom who homeschools.  She's got a great website full of helpful  Anyhow, you study a different country every week.  So far this week, we've talked about the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, the United States Flag, and Washington, D.C.  So, we're learning about lots of fun stuff!  The mom who made this program also made one called Expedition Earth: Discovering God's Animals so, every week we learn about 6 different animals that live in each country.  By the end of our trip around Earth we'll have talked about over 180 animals!  

Anyhow, we learned all about the flag today.  So, of course our snack had to be flag related...

How fun are those flags?!

It's super easy.  All you need is graham crackers, marshmallows, strawberries and blueberries or raisins.  We used raisins since I was out of blueberries.  Just melt like two marshmallows in the microwave for 10 seconds.  Then spread the sticky mixture onto a graham cracker and top with your fruit.  A fun, semi-healthy snack for the kids!  And let me tell ya...they LOVED it!  I mean what's not to love?!  

Chaycers trying to figure out how to take a bite
Vann enjoying the last of his fun flag

We had another fun treat today too.  Dried apples.  What's fun about that you ask?  Well we made the oven...and it was super easy!  The best part...the kids ate them up!  Oh and the other great part...the house smelled awesome all day!  

Our preschool theme this week is apples, hence the dried apples.  Well, we ran out of soap today at the kitchen sink so, I asked Vann to go grab another just happened to be an apple scent from Bath and Body Works.   He was like, 'Mom, did you buy this to go with our theme this week?!'  Me, 'Umm no, but how cool that it fits right in!'  Oh and we had apple syrup on our pancakes this morning.  We've been all about apples today!  

So, I'm a little sad that my baby boy is going to turn 3 this weekend.  It's so bittersweet.  I'm happy he's learning and growing and healthy and amazing and all of that.  But I'm sad that my baby is no longer a baby.  *big exhale*  But that's what happens...they grow up.  And soon he'll be learning to drive and leaving for college.  I know, I know, that's years away, but baby is growing up.  

And don't worry, we'll be having this same talk when my little Vann has a birthday.  I can't even bring myself to say how old he is gonna be.  Seriously, why does it go so fast?!  I'm just so grateful that I get to stay home with them.  And even though we have our days...I love it and I wouldn't change it for the world!