Showing posts with label christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christmas. Show all posts

Monday, January 25, 2016

Christmas 2015

Merry Christmas!  I know, I know, it's January lol.  But I wanted to share our Christmas fun with you.  We spent the morning opening presents from Santa, playing with the boys' new goodies and then getting ready to go to Casey's house for more family fun.  It was lovely!

Vann got a mini Cubebot in his stocking.
This kid loves anything puzzle related.

Orange Tic Tacs...yes!!

This was the only
thing he asked for...
Super Mario Maker...
and he loves it! little coding robots.

magic puzzle game...right up his alley.  

Lil sweetie :)
This is a maze bank...
super cool!

Legos are always a big hit with the boys!

You can't beat new crayons.

And this is what he was waiting for...Halo 4!
His Christmas is made.

Bugs + boys = fun!

This lil' dude
loves Blaze.  
Now he's got Blaze
plus a few friends :)

He asked for a Batman Lego set and
had fun putting it together with Chaycers. 

We love I Spy books.

Miss Molly got a new toy too!  She loves it :)

And now for the big joint present!  You may think I'm a little cray cray and that's ok...I am lol.  All three boys love, like super love, the drums.  They are constantly creating their own homemade drum sets with pots and pans and pillows and chopsticks and pencils, etc.  And Chaycers has asked for a drum set for about 3 years now.  

I have always immediately dismissed getting one because who wants to listen to that  Not me!  But then I started thinking, what if this is what they're supposed to do?  What if their destiny is to be in a band?  It's far fetched, but what if??  I could not live with myself if I crushed that dream.  And besides knowing how to play musical instruments is super cool.  So I began researching quiet drum sets.  Funny right...a 'quiet' drum set?  Well wouldn't ya know they make electronic drums! 

After reading a bazillion reviews I decided on this Alesis drum set.  I also researched online drum lessons and they've learned a lot since starting those this month.  I will have to tape them playing and show you.  It's pretty sweet.  I'm telling you, playing the drums well is a lot harder than it looks.  It's so much more than just the banging you think it is.  I'm so happy we got this for's the best 'out there' idea ever!  And it made three little boys very happy on Christmas morning :)

In heaven!
He loves them.  

Rockin' out.

This was the only pic I took at Casey's house.  It was a fun time!

More drumming action the next day.  And pretty much everyday since Christmas lol.  

I love this...shirt unbuttoned, in his own little drumming world.  

I hope your Christmas was full of family fun and lots of love!  Okay back to January of 2016...

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Planetarium fun & Christmas lights

A few of my daycare families didn't need me on Christmas Eve so, I thought, 'Hey, let's go to the Planetarium!'  I knew the boys and Harley would love it since we've been learning about the solar system in school.  Shoot I was excited to do a little space exploration!

Getting ready to watch a quick movie in one of those super cool theaters where the screen goes all the way up and around you.  
They're ready!

Exploring Mars

Driving rovers

I heart these crazy kids!  

This was a big rover.
It moved super slow,
but they liked driving it.

The Planetarium is right on Lake Michigan.  So pretty!  I plan to go again on a nicer day so we can eat lunch by the lake. 

He's ready to blast off!

Trying to take a selfie before our next space show.  I may or may not have napped a little during this one.  Not because it was boring...the kids loved it and thought it was funny...but give me a dark room and a comfy seat and well ya know, my eyeballs thought it was nigh night time.  So funny though, Vann totally called me out lol.  

Chaycers started the silliness with some muscle moves :)

Ash added his own goofiness lol. 

And Harley posed super cute!

It was a really fun time and I look forward to going again!

When we got home I had a fun package waiting for new yoga mat!!  I've been looking for the perfect mat for months.  Thanks Rana for my Christmas present...I love it!

That night we piled back in the car and went to see some cool Christmas lights.  It's one house with over 1 million lights...wowsa!  And it's all set to music...the boys loooved it!!   

We had to wait in line for about 20 minutes, but then we enjoyed the beautiful lights for an hour from our warm and cozy car.  

 My favorite was when the boys sang along with the music.  We all really enjoyed it and I hope to take them again next year :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Sheep puppet

One of our preschool themes a few weeks ago was Nursery Rhymes.  It was fun and they all loved hearing them over and over and over again!  I even found little Ash snuggled up on the couch with a nursery rhyme book a few times throughout the week singing the was too cute.  To go along with 'Mary had a Little Lamb,' we made sheep puppets.  Kids love puppets...for reals they do :)

Gluing some cotton balls onto the
back of a paper plate.

Drawing a face on his sheep.

Lil' cutie!  

Another day that week we colored green letter G's.  Gosh I still need to snap a pic of Ash's letters in his room so you can see how cool they look all hanging together.  I'll get on that asap!  

Coloring his letter G green.
He's like Mom, stop with
the pictures already!

Coloring is serious business :)

Christmas is 17 days away!  Are you ready?!  Would you believe I am done done done.  But I still have lots of wrapping to do.  So that's what I'm off to do right now...wrap my daycare kiddos presents :)  Have a great night!