Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts

Monday, October 1, 2012

Balloon Fun

Our theme for the next two weeks is farm animals.  A fun topic for the kiddos!  Today we talked about pigs and did a little pig craft.  

The kids wanted to dance to some Michael Jackson today...he's one of their favs.  I love to listen to them sing the cute!  Anyhow, during our dance time they decided to play 'volleyball' with a balloon they had gotten as a party favor from one of the many parties we've many to lately.  They were just cracking up hitting this balloon around.  It was great!  

And speaking of Michael Jackson...after we read a few books about farm animals this morning, the boys were wanting to feel the baby move.  So, we sat for about 10 minutes talking and waiting for the little guy to give them a few kicks.  Chayce will sit so patiently with his hand/arm on my belly and just's adorable!  Vann loves to feel it, but isn't quite as patient.  Anyhow, the baby was moving around a bit, but not too much so, I tried laying on my side to see if that would get him going a bit more.  And while I was laying there, Chayce thought it would be a good idea to sing him a song...maybe that would wake him up.  And what better song to sing than 'Beat It'?!  Gosh it was too cute!  So, my little Chaycers sang the only two lines of 'Beat It' he knows over and over again, with his lips pressed up to my was so stinkin' cute!  He also tried singing a bit of 'Bad' to him too.  Unfortunately, the baby still wasn't cooperating so, we headed downstairs to do our craft.  I love that the boys already love their little brother :)  

Chaycers dancing!

Getting ready to hit it to Vann

I love this shot...he jumps to hit the balloon!

Bouncing it back...

This one's great too!  They had a blast!

So tomorrow's the big day.  The day they 'check' to see if anything's happening with the baby.  I feel like something should be happening.  I've been having contractions...not consistent or anything.  And the baby is so low it really looks like he's ready to just fall right out.  So, I'm looking forward to finding out if there's any progress down there.  I'll keep ya posted...

I'm loving that all my favorite tv shows are up and running again...Castle, Revenge, Grey's, Private Practice, and Scandal.  And it's nice that they're spread out over different days.  I can still watch a show and be in bed at a decent time.  What shows are your favs?  

Speaking of shows...I'm off to watch Castle right now...yay!  Hope you had a good Monday!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Worm Art

Today the boys painted with string.  We called it 'worm art' know since worms like apples and we're talking about apples it only seemed appropriate.  Anyhow, when I was getting things ready for them to paint, they were both a bit baffled about how they were going to paint with string.  And they weren't excited about it at all.  But once they got started...that was it...smiles and giggles all around!  Especially Vann...he was liking it a lot!

Vann got two strings going at the same time :)

Turned out pretty cool I think!

Chaycers is lacing his 'apple'...he said 'Mom, aren't you going to take a picture of me??'  Apparently, he likes it when I take pictures of them doing crafts and stuff :)

I had my weekly baby check up last night.  Everything's still good!  They're going to 'check' me next week to see if anything's happening down there.  And maybe, just maybe, that will make the baby want to come out :)  That's how it happened with Chayce.  And Vann, although his was a bit different.  And if he's not ready to come out that's ok too...even though I'm super excited to meet him :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Listening Walk

The sense we talked about today was hearing.  We did all sorts of fun stuff including a walk around the block listening carefully to all the sounds we could hear.  They were so into it!  And they were very observant of all the sounds around them.  When we got back from our walk they drew all the things they heard.  By the way...they are shirtless because I told them to put on long sleeves this morning since it started out chilly, but by the time we went for our walk it was hot!  So, they took them off about a minute into the walk :)

Some of the things they heard were the wind, leaves crunching, dogs barking, Chayce's swishy pants swishing, cars, airplanes, and one odd one was a telephone ringing and it sounded as if it was coming from a sewer!  We thought maybe someone accidentally dropped it in there...who knows.  

He's telling me about his picture

He loves to draw!

Look at that!

One of my favorite things is when I teach or talk about something with the boys and they bring it up later in a non school moment.  An example of this was Monday night...Vann was brushing his teeth before bed and he says...'Guess how many senses I'm using while I brush my teeth?'  So, then we talk about it for a minute.  I just love it!

Oh so you're gonna love this...I had a baby appt tonight and it was kinda busy so, we got put in room 2...usually we're in room 1.  Anyhow, I think nothing of it.  But as soon as the nurse leaves and closes the door both boys say, 'What is that picture of on the door?'  I turn around to see what they're talking about...can you guess?!?!  It's filled with medical pictures of the girly parts.  So, what do I do?  I get up and start explaining them.  I'm not one to hide information, I just tell it like it is.  But I don't typically bring stuff like this up...I just answer their questions when they have them.  Even so, it's still awkward.  And I've had these kinds of convos with them on numerous occasions...boys and girls body parts, how is the baby going to come out, stuff like that.  They have never however seen an up close and personal picture of 'down there.'  Well, now they have...thank you room #2!  And the one question I am not looking forward to answering is 'How did the baby get in there?'  It hasn't come up just yet, fingers crossed it stays that way a bit longer...

I have one more belly shot for you...this is me at 35 weeks.  Not much longer till we get to meet our little guy!  

Hope your day was great!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fun with Friends

The neighbor kids came over this weekend and as usual they all ended up in the basement playing Wii.  Here's a pic of the cuteness...

Frankie, Vann, Chayce and Kenny

I watched my friends' boys the other day while she had an appointment to go to.  One of the things they all played was army guys.  Here's a few pics of the fun...

Carter, Vann, Chayce and Logan

Chaycers setting something up...

My boys were really getting into it :)

I love it when they play nice together!

Random pregnancy news...I cannot drink enough milk!  It's just crazy.  Normally I drink like a cup of milk a day.  Lately, I drink like half a gallon a day!  I may be exaggerating just a bit, but not by much.  I don't remember having this craving with my other two pregnancies.  Another thing I love and have loved pretty much this whole pregnancy...tacos in any form.  In fact, just yesterday I had a taco salad for both lunch and dinner.  And today I had a burrito.  I could eat Mexican food every day and be a happy camper :)  

Okay, I'm off to bed now.  Sleep sweet!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Love this Weather!

I just love this weather!  A little chilly at night and when you wake up, but super gorgeous all day...can't beat it!  We headed up to the park today.  The boys had fun running around, swinging, sliding, you know all the fun stuff you do at a park.  

I think I told you I was supposed to have my ultrasound to see the baby today...well I had to reschedule it because Chris went out of town for work this morning.  He remembered at like three o'clock in the morning the other night and was nice enough to wake me up and let me know right then :)  I'm up about 3 to 5 times a night just to go to the bathroom so, in all fairness, I think I was getting up to pee anyways.  So, the ultrasound is next Thursday instead...can't wait to see my little peanut!

I got a lot accomplished this weekend.  I finally painted the nursery...yay!  And I also painted the closet and bedroom doors in the boys' room.  I'm sure glad to have that checked off my list.  I was super tired by Sunday night...I have such intentions of doing more, but my body can only take so much before it's like, you need to sleep Jen! 

Okay, well that's all I've got for now.  Hope you've got great weather where you are too!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Reptile Crafts

Our theme last week was all about reptiles and since we were on vacation we didn't get to do any of the fun crafts.  So, we did two today just for fun.  One was a turtle and one was a lizard.  Here's some pics...

Chaycers was excited to paint!

This painting is serious business

Vann hard at work

Covering the edge with brown

He said, 'Look Mom!  When I mix green and white it makes light green!'

Then he mixed brown and white and got light brown...he's into mixing the colors right now.

Now he's mixing them all up

Vann's working on the turltle's shell

Cool design buddy!

Finishing up the green

After the paint dried, we made the two paper plates into cute right?!  For whatever reason they both wanted sad turtles...not sure why, but that's why Vann's is frowning.  

We also made lizard's Chayce's.  He especially loved the tongue :)

And here's Vann' creative!

I started working on Chayce's birthday invitations today.  He's gonna be 4 in a month...seriously that is just crazy!  My babies are growing up too fast.  The theme for his party is Team Umizoomi.  I'm going to try to get all the invites finished up and in the mail tomorrow.  I have lots of cutting and gluing to do.  I'll post a pic after I get them in the mail.  

Did you ever watch the show Final Witness?  I just recently started dvring it.  It's good...very sad, but good.  It's based on real life tragedies and it's told from the victim's point of view.  Like I said, I just started watching it, but the two episodes I did see I cried during both of them.  It's so shocking what some people will do...and so sad too.  When I found out it was based on a true story I was torn about whether I wanted to watch it or not.  And at the end of the first episode, I was like how in the world could someone do's mind blowing.  Just doesn't make any sense.  Anyhow, I'm pretty sure the series is over now, but if you did happen to catch an episode...what did you think?  

Okay, let's talk about something happier...we have an ultrasound in a week to see the baby again!  I never had an ultrasound this late with either of my other boys, but I guess the office I go to got a new 3-d or 4-d machine and they do a special ultrasound later in the pregnancy now.  I'm excited!  We'll get to see the little boy that keeps poking me in the ribs :)  

I'm off to bed.  Sleep sweet!