Showing posts with label preschool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label preschool. Show all posts

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Physics fun!

One egg made for a lot of fun in this house yesterday!  You should totally try this at home.  PS...I'm loving the iMovie app to combine videos.  Except that it cut Vann's head off lol.  I think I need to video sideways instead of up and down next time.  Note to self...

The kids put colorful dots on their puppies and Miss Molly thought they were hers.  She snuggled right in between them and started nosing them.  It was adorable!

A little color mixing action...the little kids looved this!  

This is hopefully going to be a sun catcher after it dries.  I think we may have used a bit too much glue though.  I'll keep ya posted on how they turn out. 

They had fun swirling the food coloring into cool designs. 

Vann got some metallic origami paper.  He's loving it!  He made a teeny tiny hand and a few pinwheels.  

The boys found Orion in the sky last night.  They love spotting constellations.  And then they got to pick out books for completing the winter reading program through the library...yay!  Except little Ash left his somewhere while we were looking for other books and we didn't realize until we got home that it was missing.  So back to the library we go only to retrace our steps and still not find his sneaky Spiderman book.  Ah well, such is life.  He decided to check out a few dinosaur books and call it even.  Love his go with the flow attitude!  

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Our weekend fun

We had a fun filled day last Saturday.  It was one of those where you're running here and there and everywhere, but each place made the day even that more special.  Lots of great convos and laughs.  It was perfect!

First stop was the library for an 'Around the World in 60 Minutes' event.  Have I told you how much I love our library?  I totally do!   So we dropped Vann and Chayce off at the library, then Ash and I headed to power grocery shop.  Man 45 minutes goes fast when you're in the grocery store lol.  We were almost successful at getting everything on my list, but not quite.  No biggie, I'll just run to the store later if needed.  Then back to the library to scoop up the older boys.  

 As we turned the corner onto our street we see this guy walking down the sidewalk past our house.  A coyote!  I quick stopped the car, unlocked my phone and snapped a pic.  While it was neat to see a coyote up close, I kinda hope to never see him in our neighborhood again.  

A quick stop at home to switch the laundry and grab the birthday present for our first party.  Their cousin, Liza, was turning 8!  The kids had fun playing and dancing and just being goofs.  


 After Liza's party we headed back home to switch the laundry again...I'm always trying to squeeze housework in whenever I can!  And we grabbed the present for our second party of the day.  Their friend, Logan, was turning 10!  They had fun playing Minecraft and singing karaoke.  So much fun that nobody wanted to go home.  But eventually we did head back home to finish up the laundry and get ready for bed.  One of my favorite things is snuggling with them at night and talking about our day.  

This week we've been busy with school.  Gosh the boys are all doing so well.  I still get amazed by all they know and how eager they are to learn new things.  My babies are growing up!  And I'm not really ready.  Sometimes it hits last night when I was rock-a-bying my Sweets before bed.  As I hugged him tight I wished that he will want me to rock-a-bye him for forever.  Which I know he won't, but a momma can wish!  A few tears fell...happy, grateful, blessed, loving tears.  And then I snuggled him into bed and kissed his sweet face goodnight.  I'm a lucky momma that's for sure!

Practicing his patterns.  We started a new monthly preschool kit and we're really enjoying it.  I'll share more about that later.  

Chaycers put together a 3D puzzle.  It's the Eiffel Tower. 

Vann is always, I'm talking always, folding.  He made ET and Pinocchio...his nose moves!  

Okie doke, I'm off to teach the boys something new!  Hope you have the best day :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Sunny Sunflowers

I have so many fun art projects to share with you!  All of them are from my most fav art website, Deep Space Sparkle.  I'm a part of the Members Club and it's amazing!  So many wonderful projects at my fingertips for all my kiddos...worth every penny.  This Sunny Sunflower was completed over a few days...painting, cutting, gluing, all kinds of fun stuff!

First they made orange and yellow painted paper using sponges and plastic knives to make cool patterns in the paint. 

Then they made blue and purple painted paper. 

Time to cut out their petals, stems and leaves!
I love Ash's focused face...he gets so into it.

And glue them on to make a beautiful Sunny Sunflower!
Ash doesn't like to get messy during art time.  He's checking for glue on his finger lol.

Love them!!  Bridget's is on the left.  Ash's is on the right.  

Saturday, April 2, 2016

All about Ash

Oh my sweet little Ash.  He's so sweet, my nickname for him is Sweets :) For a long time, when I would say, 'Are you my Sweets?'  He would say, 'No, I'm Ash!'  But now he knows he's my Sweets and he likes it.  Anyhow, here are a bunch of pics of Ash from the past month or so...enjoy!

He fell asleep like this once day during his nap.
Talk about the perfect book to nap under!

Painting his letter P.  I still need to take a picture of his letter wall.  I will...soon.  I promise!

Check out my new bike!
It even holds pine cones :)

I think he likes it.

Practicing hammering nails with Dad.
He always has to be just like the big boys. 

Swinging at the neighbors
Watch out Chaycers!

He's such a goofball.  And so silly.  I love it!

Dad drew a face on his belly lol. 

While the big boys went to a birthday party, Ash and I went bowling!  He was so cute and watched his ball roll slowly down every single time.  

We had a lot of fun!  His bowling name was Sweets.
And then he crashed hard when we got home.

His curls.  I can't get enough of them!

We made a game out of the rocks he was playing with.  

Enjoying the weather a few weekends ago
with a walk to the park.  
His Easter goodies :)  There was a dinosaur theme.

Putting the money he found inside eggs in his piggy bank.

He loooves to cut!  And this book makes it fun.  

And this last week he painted the letter S.  He looks forward to this every week!  And asks almost every night as we're snuggling before bed, 'What letter are we learning about tomorrow?'  I love that he loves to learn :)

Phew that was a lot of pictures huh?!  This is why I need to stay caught up on my blogging.  I'm gonna try, really hard.  Because I love being able to look back at pictures and read about what was happening in our lives.  It's like my online scrapbook that I get to share with you :)  Okie doke, I hope you are having a lovely day!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Cute lil' snowmen

The little kids made some cute lil' snowmen last week!  

Painting his head first.

Harley started at
the bottom.
Bridget did a little
of every circle :)

Getting the middle now.
And the bottom.

She's almost done!

Filling in her last circle.

And he's almost done too!

Squeezing some glue on for
the cotton balls.
This is their snow.

Pushing it down.

Like this Mom?!
Decorating his snowman.

I was out of buttons, so we used little balls instead.

Gluing his eyeballs on...
Right here, yes!

All done!!

Lookin' good Bridget!

Aren't they just the cutest?! 
If you look closely you can see the mouths they drew on after the paint dried.  I love them all!
Yellow hat - Ash, purple hat - Bridget, red hat - Harley