Friday, October 26, 2012


I know it's been awhile...sorry!  Things are going good here.  Vann and Chayce are still in love with their baby brother.  They both have a little bit of a cold so, we've told them they can't touch or kiss Ash right now so, he doesn't get sick.  This has been hard for them.  'I just want to kiss him goodnight Mom!'  I know, I know...a few more days boys, a few more days.

I'm a milk machine right now.  As much as I would love to breast feed little Ash, my girls have a different plan. So, instead I pump...all the time.  One nice thing about this is that others get to feed the little guy.  Here's a pic of Vann feeding his baby brother...

So cute!

Looking intently at something...

I captured a smile...from the side anyhow...I'll take it!

And he sleeps...

Getting lotioned up after bathtime.  He actually likes getting a bath.  I thought for sure he would fuss the whole time since he still dislikes having his diaper changed...but I was wrong. 

Have you started thinking about Christmas??  I have...I started browsing Amazon for some fun finds awhile ago.  I'll hit the stores too, but I like Amazon because they have different things on there that you don't usually see in the stores.  The thing about them is that there prices change on a daily basis so, you have to watch and wait and hope you buy it at the lowest price.  

The boys are getting excited to get dressed up for Halloween.  And to be honest, I can't wait to watch them trick or treat in their Power Ranger costumes!  I remember last year when Chayce was walking up to the steps to this one house and he trick or treated another trick or treater!  The guy was walking down the steps after collecting his loot and Chayce said, 'Trick or treat!'  It was sooo cute!  In his defense, it was an older, taller kid..for sure in middle school, maybe early high school.  And the even funnier thing was that he gave Chayce candy from his own stash...super nice of him. 

The boys made their own Halloween board game yesterday.  Here they are playing it.

Then they had a dance party which included some limbo action.  It was pretty cute to watch!

Vann limboing

Chayce's turn

Chayce came up to me and said, 'Look Mom, they're all tied up...and it kinda hurts.'  Well silly boy untangle yourself!

Okay, well I need to go switch the laundry.  Fun, fun I know.  Speaking of laundry...Chris tried helping me fold some the other night.  It was painful to watch!  He was folding everything all wrong...but at least he helped, right?!  After he was done, I refolded it all.  Am I the only one who likes all of their clothes/towels/etc folded the same way??  

Hope you're having a great Friday!!

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