Tuesday, February 5, 2013


The boys have been all about their Star Wars costumes the past couple of days.  Especially Chayce...he's obsessed with his Darth Vader cape.  Here are a few pics of him rocking it :)

This was Monday...shirt off and everything :)

He wanted to sleep with it on, but Chris and I vetoed that.  Here he is first thing after he woke up in the morning today...looks great with his Santa jammies don't ya think?!

Guess who learned a new trick today...baby Ash!!  He's been rolling over from front to back in his crib for awhile now.  And he's been super duper close to rolling over from back to front.  Well, today he finally did it!  All by himself...he was so proud!  And to make things even more exciting...he's 4 months old today!

Happy 4 months my sweet little Ash!

So, I'm starting a new literature program with the boys.  It's from the Confessions of a Homeschooler blog.  I really like her stuff.  The first book we're going to dive into is 'Charlotte's Web'.  What I'm excited about is really exploring and discussing the book in depth with them.  Learning about all the parts of the not only the book (chapters, table of contents, etc), but also the parts of the story itself (protagonist, plot, etc).  Today they made predictions about the book and I read chapter 1 to them.  

Vann's working on his predictions and drawing a cover page for the story.

Chaycers even made his own predictions and wrote them out himself (I helped with the spelling of course)

We're almost finished with our country unit we've been working on for forever now.  I think we took a few too many breaks with me having crazy awful morning sickness, to having a baby...this unit has taken much longer than it should have.  But we're one continent away from finishing up...Antarctica is our last stop, then we're done...yay!  And then I'm very excited to start on our new adventure...it's called Road Trip USA...again from the Confessions of a Homeschooler blog.  We're going to start learning all about the United States.  It should be a lot of fun!

Okay, well I'm off to catch up on my shows.  I really should take a snooze before Ash decides to wake up, but I also really want to watch Castle and Beckett make love eyes at each other :)  I'm sure I'll crash before it's half over, but I'll try to catch the whole episode.  Have a good night!

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