I randomly had the day off today...yay! It just worked out that all of my daycare families didn't have to work so, they didn't need me. This rarely happens so, I was excited to do something fun with the boys. We spent a bit of the morning all snuggled in bed watching cartoons. Then we got ready and headed to the Legoland Discovery Center. I figured why not use the membership we bought a month or so ago. The boys were beyond excited because as you all know...they love Legos!
Nothing had changed since the last time we'd been there. But they didn't care. They squealed at every large Lego creation they saw. When we got to the Dragon ride, we had a bit of a holdup. Chris didn't come with this time and you can only sit two to a seat on the ride...which meant one of us had to sit by ourselves. Vann wasn't having it...there was no way he was gonna ride by himself. So, I suggested both of them sit up front and I'd sit in the back where I was close enough to touch both of their heads. Nope...Vann wanted to sit by me. Chayce wasn't jumping up and down when I asked if he would ride by himself, but when the Legoland lady walked up to us with this really cool shield that he could hold during the ride...he was all about it. He thought it was the coolest thing ever! So, Vann and I rode in the back seat while Chayce and his shield rode up front. I kept touching Chayce's head so, he knew I was there and he did great. It was so cute...every time we'd round a dark corner he'd put the shield up to block his face and then I'd say, 'Look at that mouse!' or whatever was coming up next and he'd peek over the shield. Too cute!
They were most excited about watching the 4-D movies again. And to my surprise, Chayce wanted to wear the glasses! The last couple of movies he wanted nothing to do with them. So, he really got to see how cool the movie really was with the glasses on. Both of them kept reaching out to touch things that looked like they were right in front of us. In fact, all the kids in the theater were...it was fun to look around and see all these little hands in the air at the same time!
After Legoland, we ran into Whole Foods, which is right across the street, and picked up cheese, yogurt, coconut milk and ravioli for Chayce. I was bummed they were all out of the sliced mozzerella that he likes, but what are you gonna do. I got swiss instead, which is not his fav, but it'll work for grilled cheese and turkey sandwiches.
Did you do anything fun today? It's my Grandma's birthday today...Happy Birthday Grandma! We love you!!
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